1. Childhood and Family Flemming Holm Posted on October 12, 2014 by HeatherMarch 22, 2015 Baby Flemming Proud mother, Magda and baby Flemming The toddler Flemming taking his first steps Passport photo, 1929 With his parents, mid-1930s Flemming holding Anna, c. 1939 The family c. 1945 Magda and VIggo c. 1945 Flemming at about 19 with his parents, and John and Anna Magda with Anna and John 1959 – Viggo and his tall boys, Flemming & John 1971 – John, Anna. Magda, Viggo, Flemming Planting a memorial tree for his father at the Tatamagouche Centre, 1989 Flemming, Magda, Anna and her daughter Kathy Share this:EmailPrintFacebookMoreTwitterLinkedInRedditTumblrPinterest