Funeral Service audio
To listen to individual segments of Flemming Holm’s funeral service, held on October 17, 2009, in Trinity United Church, Mahone Bay, go to the In Memorium page.
To listen to Flemming Holm’s entire funeral service at once:
(Note that this version has the introductions and blank spaces edited out.)
Welcome, Gathering Words, Rev. Ruth Brown
Hymn VU # 232 Joyful, Joyful
Reflections: Heather Holm (Read text).
Gift of Music: We Rise Again, Reid Campbell and Pamela Holm
Reflections and Reading: I Corinthians 13, Hugh McKervill
Hymn VU#699 Live Into Hope
“Prospice” by Robert Browning, read by George Robertson
Reflections: Pamela Holm (Read text)
Gift of Music: He Shall Feed His Flock from Handel’s Messiah: Pam Holm, alto, Bev Shaw, violin, Josephine Skinner, organ
Greetings from Maritime Conference: Rev. Ivan Gregan
Greetings from South Shore Presbytery: Rev. Neil McEwen
Messages from Away: Charles Maginley (Read text)
Luke 4: 16-21: Steve Sepulchre
Isaiah 40: Gail Tricebock
Reflections: Ruth Brown: Ode to Flemming (Read text)
Hymn VU# 808 On Eagle’s Wings, with solo by Reid Campbell
Prayers of Thanksgiving
The Prayer of Jesus: “A Paraphrase” VU page 916
Hymn VU#691 Ancient Walls
Sending Forth: Blessing and Benediction
Hymn VU#625 I feel the Winds of God Today
Postlude: “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring” by J. S. Bach, Bev Shaw, violin, Josephine Skinner, organ
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